Working with the forest, we fully recognize the responsibility that lies with us to preserve and increase the forest area as well to support its biological diversity.

GC «Titan» invests heavily in environmental protection activities, guided by the principle of "Preserving nature, we create the future." As part of the reforestation works, the holding annually plants pine and spruce seedlings on an area of about 20 thousand hectares in the areas of the holding's production presence in the Arkhangelsk region. This is a quarter of the total area of reforestation carried out by tenants in the region. In addition to its own annual forestry and cultural programs, «Titan» also regularly participates in environmental, and regularly conducts all necessary fire and forest protection measures.

GC “Titan’s” strategy of forest management until 2025 includes three main sections: intensification of forest use and replenishment of forests, GIS management of leased forest areas and meeting the needs of the group's logging enterprises with high-quality seed and planting material.

A positive ecological effect also comes from the new delivery strategy that the “Titan” group of companies will be switching to. In order to protect Poor roads and lower the environmental damage to the forest, the company decided to make shipments by water.
In order to do this the holding invested significant resources in a river fleet, modernizing both the boats and the infrastructure. Transportation of wood raw materials by water has not lost its relevance. With the economic approach of qualified specialists, this is the most environmentally friendly, economical and convenient type of transportation.